Monday, March 13, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I'm linking up with It's Monday! What Are You Reading? Currently, I'm reading books to get a suitable selection for my fourth graders to read as a book club related to Civil Rights. We will be completing project work focusing on the following essential question: How can conflict create change? I thought the kids would be able to really dig deep, thinking about this question through the lens of historical fiction while they are studying the Civil Rights Movement in social studies. I've read Glory Be, which is a keeper for our book club. Now I'm reading The Lions of Little Rock, and I'm loving it!

What are you reading? Do you have any suggestions for our book club? If so, leave them below as a comment.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It's Friday

I don't know if it's just my kiddos, and I will say this week has been better, but they've had a tough time coming back after the holidays. It has taken us over a month to really get back on track. We had behavior issues constantly. Kids not doing homework. Kids not being productive in class, and some just being disrespectful. I feel like we've finally made it back to where everyone is back on track, but we have one more week then parent-teacher conferences. With that, the kids have a half day and then a day off in the middle of the week. I have a feeling we may backtrack again. I feel like it is a rare week when we don't have some type of interruption to our schedule. It makes hard to keep routines going and hard to keep the kiddos on track. But, that being said, it's Friday:)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Good Intentions

I had good intentions of keeping my blogging life going, but I got kind of burned out. With the SoL challenge, I'm hoping to reinvigorate my writing life. I've written some with my students during writing time, but not enough. I've thought about different posts to write, but haven't written them. Now is the take action and "Just Do It."

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Slice of Life Challenge

I wasn't planning on participating in SOL this year as an individual, but I did plan on having my fourth and fifth graders write slices for the month of March. After introducing the Slice to them today, we went onto Kidblog and everyone wrote their first post. Students only wrote short posts today, but they all made sure to revise and edit their writing before publishing. They were so incredibly excited about this challenge, that they made me change my mind. I will write with them every day, as well as here. My students' enthusiasm about this challenge is so exciting to me - excitement about writing every day?? I'll take it!