I signed up for a Sixty Book Challenge this year. I've fallen behind already! I started a book due to reading the many, many, many recommendations from different bloggers I admire. It's a science fiction YA book, which I usually enjoy. I find I'm having trouble really connecting. I haven't reached that aha moment when a book really grabs you and you just want to read more. I'm only 60 pages in, but I feel like I shouldn't be struggling to pick it up this much. I am finding other things to do. I'm not crazy about the point of view and the narrator's voice. I have discovered that I tend to not enjoy books written in first person as much as third person. The character that narrates is a teenager, therefore she speaks like a teenager. I appreciate the true voice coming through, but for engagement - it's not happening. So I have a dilemma...do I plow ahead or do I abandon? I have a hard time abandoning. The guilt gets me...but I find I'm doing what my students do...I'm not reading. Any advice? What do you do when you get stuck in a book and have trouble moving forward?
Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting the Slice of Life!

It depends. If I need to read it I do a bit of skimming... if it's optional well time if too precious. I leave on the side of the road.
There are too many great books in the world. If I give a book a fair shot, I don't waste time with books I don't love!
ReplyDeleteThere are too many great books in the world. If I give a book a fair shot, I don't waste time with books I don't love!