Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thinking of Friends in Belgium #SOL16

My Slice today is related to my long time friend living in Brussels. She and I were roommates in boarding school for two of our three years. We went to college 20 minutes from each other and saw each other frequently, but then I moved across the country to the West Coast and she to Brussels. She married a Belgian man.  I haven't spoken to her on the phone in so many, many years, but we keep up with each other and our lives through email, Facebook and instant messaging. When I heard the news of the bombings in Brussels, of course my thoughts immediately turned to her and her family. I sent her a message and waited to hear. I did hear back from her. She and her family are fine, but she said things were very chaotic that day. Her children were at school and one school was on lockdown and no one could come or go. The other school wanted parents to come pick up their children. She finally got all her children home. This is what she posted on Facebook that morning:

There is still much uncertainty, and that erie feeling of chaos and calm at the same time is very unsettling. So many questions that you just can't answer, reassurance you can't promise your kids, awaiting the unanswered about friends/parents who were there. So what next? Where? It's a horrible feeling of helplessness, a living nightmare. I pray not only for us here in Belgium but for all of you living in other parts of the world, especially our children, because one way or another we are all affected by such atrocities. It's hard having to accept the unpredictability of such events and the increased risks we are faced with everyday but to live in fear is much worse. We CANNOT live in fear! 


  1. These terrorist attacks are so frightening. I'm glad your friend is safe. She is right, we cannot live in fear. When will it ever end?

  2. Such a hard time for everyone! So glad you heard back from her and they are safe. Seeking Peace!

  3. Oh my gosh, that goodness your friend and family are safe. I so agree with her when she said, we cannot live in fear! I worry for our children, why do they have to grow up in a world like this?

  4. Your slice and her Facebook post gave me chills. I'm so glad that she and her family are safe.
